FGL Features - Database

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FGL Database

The FGL Platform includes advanced integrated database technologies for applications requiring high levels of performance, scalability, flexibility, and security. The Platform maintains an internal message-based distributed hybrid object, relational, and key-value store platform seamlessly integrated with the FGL programming and execution environment.

Generated Database Abstraction Object:

  CLASS cContact
    INHERIT objDataBase

    const ORDER_LNAME = 1

    METHOD new( )
        ::dbFileName = session( ).data( 'data_drive' ) + 
        ::dbAlias = 'contact'
        ::dbStructure = {
            { "fname", "C", 30, 0 },
            { "mname", "C", 30, 0 },
            { "lname", "C", 40, 0 },
            { "suffix", "C", 4, 0 },
            { "data", "B", 20, 0 }  // object store
        ::dbIndexes = {
            { "upper( field->lname + field->fname + " +
            "field->mname )", 0 }
        ::dbObjects = {
            { 'data', 'contact_data' }
        ::init( )
        return( 1 )
Database & Key/Value Interaction:

    // instantiate data wrapper instance
    ouser = new( "cUser" )

    // get the desired record
    if ( ! ouser.getRecord( userid ) )
        return( ouser.errmsg )
    // access a value from the db
    origTitle = ouser.title
    // change a value
    ouser.title = "New Title"
    // write the change to the database
    ouser.setRecord( userid )
    println( ">>> old title: ", origTitle,
    	" new title: ", ouser.title 
    // key/value based auto-counter
    nextVal = keyvalue.counter( "mycounter" )

    // more key/value fun
    for ( i=1; i<100; i++ )
        keyvalue.( "varname_" + x ) = rand( ) % 999
Key Features
  • Hybrid relational/object database
  • Message-based distributed architecture
  • Integrated key/value store
  • High-speed indexing
  • Access any record out of 100's of millions in less than 1 second
  • Auto-generated data abstraction wrapper classes
  • Real-time data inspection
  • Pipelined replication
  • Real-time backups while applications are running
  • Supports complex data serialization
  • Embedded encryption and compression
  • Integrated query system
  • Automated template and report generation
  • Built-in Soundex support
  • Remote administration
  • Extensive tools, generators, and resources
Auto-Generated Data FILTERS
For easy high speed searching
METHOD dataFilter( index, searchstr, pglen )
    local a, opts

    opts = new( 'objFilterParams', index, searchstr )

    switch ( opts.index )
      case ::ORDER_LNAME
        opts.init( { 
            { 40 },
            { 30 },
            { 30 }
        } )
        a = {
            { 'index', opts.index },
            { 'key', opts.key },
            { 'filter', {
                    { 'lname', '=^', opts.p1 },
                    { 'fname', '=^', opts.p2 },
                    { 'mname', '=^', opts.p3 }


    if ( pglen )
        a = ::dataFilterSet( a, 'pglen', pglen )

    return( a )
Advanced Filter Commands
  =     equals (matches val length)
  =^    equals (matches val length) [converts strings to uppercase]
  ==    equals (matches field length)
  ==^   equals (matches field length) [converts strings to uppercase]
  *     contains
  *^    contains [converts strings to uppercase]
  <     less than
  <^    less than [upper]
  <=    less than or equal
  <=^   less than or equal [upper]
  >     greater than
  >^    greater than [upper]
  >=    greater than or equal
  >=^   greater than or equal [upper]
  !=    not equal
  !=^   not equal [upper]
  !*    not contained
  !*^   not contained [upper]
  ?     match wildcard
  ?^    match wildcard [upper]
  =&    soundex (of upper)
  Rx    upper( right ) 'x' chars
Auto-Generated Data TEMPLATES
For automated interactive report generation
METHOD dataTemplate( template )
    local a, x, o

    switch( lower( '' + template ) )
      case '' + ::ORDER_NAME
        a = {
            { 'tableClass', 'table defTbl' },
            { 'rowClick', "doClick('#id#');" },
            { 'fields', {
                    { 'name',, { |x,o| o.name + ", " + o.fname + 
                        " " + o.mname } },
                    { 'gender' },
                    { 'race',, { |x| self.raceDesc(x) } },
                    { 'age',, { |x,o| self.age(x,o) } },
                    { 'dob',, { |x| keytodate( x ) } },
                    { 'status',, { |x| self.statusDesc(x) } },
                    { 'edate',, { |x| keytodatetime(x,0,1) } },
                    { 'id', { { 'editType', 'hidden' } } }


    return( a )
Simplified Querying & Reporting
Using auto-generated database wrapper components
// define a query
opts = ocontact.dataFilter( 
    ocontact.ORDER_NAME,     // index to use 
    "Smith,Fred,J",          // multiple filters 
    500                      // max # of results 

// perform the high-speed filtered query
a = ocontact.query( opts )

// render the results in an interactive table
! ocontact.list( a, opts, 
	ocontact.dataTemplate( ocontact.ORDER_NAME ) 
Process Query Results with Map Functions Map Processing:

! "Show Fields:\r\n"
a = aResults.map().fields()
! objToJSON( a ) + "\r\n"

! "Sum Some Data:\r\n"
a = aResults.aMapSum( "age;playingDays" )
! objToJSON( a ) + "\r\n"

! "Get Averages:\r\n"
a = aResults.aMapAverage( "age;playingDays" )
! objToJSON( a ) + "\r\n"

! "Accumulate Data by Groups:\r\n"
accumulator = aArray().add( { 
    { "France", {} }, 
    { "England", {} }, 
    { "Spain", {} } 
} )
a = aResults.aMapReduce( "soccerSortByCountry", accumulator )
! objToJSON( aArrayToJSON( a, 1 ) )
Map Results:
Show Fields:

Sum Some Data:
    age : 165.0,
    playingDays : 949.0

Get Averages:
    age : 27.50,
    playingDays : 158.1666666670

Accumulate Data by Groups:
    England : [
            gender : "M",
            name : "Riyad Mahrez",
            age : 25,
            club : "Leicester City FC",
            country : "England",
            data : {
                desc : "Riyad Mahrez, Leicester City FC, England"
            playingDays : 132
            gender : "M",
            name : "Sofiane Feghouli",
            age : 26,
            club : "West Ham United",
            country : "England",
            data : {
                desc : "Sofiane Feghouli, West Ham United, England"
            playingDays : 45
    France : [
            gender : "M",
            name : "Hatem Ben Arfa",
            age : 29,
            club : "PSG",
            country : "France",
            data : {
                desc : "Hatem Ben Arfa, PSG, France"
            playingDays : 180
            gender : "M",
            name : "Radamel Falcao",
            age : 27,
            club : "AS Monaco FC",
            country : "France",
            data : {
                desc : "Radamel Falcao, AS Monaco FC, France"
            playingDays : 22
    Spain : [
            gender : "M",
            name : "Karim Benzema",
            age : 29,
            club : "Real Madrid CF",
            country : "Spain",
            data : {
                desc : "Karim Benzema, Real Madrid CF, Spain"
            playingDays : 200
            gender : "M",
            name : "Samir Nasri",
            age : 29,
            club : "Sevilla FC",
            country : "Spain",
            data : {
                desc : "Samir Nasri, Sevilla FC, Spain"
            playingDays : 370
Low-level Databases Access
Programatic control over every aspect of your data

Auto-generated database abstraction classes make it easy to interact with databases. However, FGL also provides low-level access to the database directly via a collection of databases functions.

// low-level database manipulation
ocontact = new( "cContact" )

ocontact.open( )
ocontact.dbOrder( ocontact.ORDER_NAME )

if ( ! ocontact.dbSeek( key ) )
    ocontact.close( )
    return( ocontact.errmsg )

if ( ! ocontact.rlock( ) )
    ocontact.close( )
    return( ocontact.errmsg )

ocontact.get( )
ocontact.fname = "Fred"
ocontact.put( )

ocontact.unlock( )
ocontact.close( )

// now, the same example using auto-generated abstraction class
ocontact = new( "cContact" )
if ( ! ocontact.getRecord( key ) )
    return( ocontact.errmsg )
ocontact.fname = "Fred"
ocontact.setRecord( key )


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